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Water Distribution Components

There are Water Distribution Components are offered by us that consists of pipelines, storage facilities, pumps, and other accessories. Pipelines laid within public right of way called water mains are used to transport water within a distribution system. The basic function of a water distribution system is to transport the water from the treatment facility to the customer. Water distribution is the process of bringing water to consumers. It takes a number of forms around the world from pressurized municipal water that delivers water directly into homes to traveling tanker trunks that distribute water to community access points. The offered Water Distribution Components are made using high quality plastic and are very effective. The components are very safe. 

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Water Filtration Distribution Components

Price: 120.00 - 150.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:500 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:10 Days
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Plastic Water Distribution System

Price: 120.00 - 150.00 INR/Piece
  • Supply Ability:500 Per Day
  • Delivery Time:10 Days